Metinvest has over 80,000 employees in Ukraine, Europe and the USA. We create comfortable workplaces and offer opportunities for professional growth. The company is among the top 10 best employers of Ukraine according to various ratings.
Metinvest makes development and learning new skills easy. We have training programs for categories of specialists. We teach managers the best management practices in our Corporate University. We involve the world known trainers. Our employees can continually improve their qualification by taking professional training programs.

Career development
The Succession Pool program has been deployed in the company since 2012. Before posting a vacancy add, we always look for suitable candidates among the employees currently employed with the enterprise. To do so, we select the best performers in various departments each year, help them improve their qualification and acquire the skills they need for promotion.

Working in Metinvest is interesting. This is an opportunity to influence the processes of the largest metallurgical holding in Ukraine and deal with non-standard and large-scale tasks. Metinvest creates opportunities for career growth. You can grow either within your enterprise, be promoted to a higher position at another enterprise of the Group or build an international career in Europe or the USA. With Metinvest, you can become the best at what you do.

Young specialists
Every year, the graduates of higher technical universities and vocational schools have their internship at our enterprises. We invite the best young specialists to work with us.
We are interested in the career growth of our employees. We have a Young Leaders program for specialists under 35. It gives an opportunity to receive new knowledge, propose a project that offers an operational improvement, present your achievements to the top management of the company and get an opportunity for professional growth.
We like having fun. We have a Comedy & Wit Cup, Metinvest's Sports Tournament and What? Where? When? Club. Metinvest' youth organization that has over 30,000 employees in it promotes entertainment, volunteer and development projects. Each year, the most active of them come together for the Youth Forum.
Have been promoted for their active participation in the Young Leaders program.
The developments proposed by active employees helped the company save
Participation in the company's development
We conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys using the approach proposed by an international consulting company. During the survey, employees share their views on the work process and make proposals. Following the surveys, we take into account the proposals and implement the changes. Thus, employees can make a personal influence to improve their working conditions.

Social benefits
Employee healthcare
We show high consideration for employees' health by conducting regular medical checks and do our best to make their working conditions comfortable. Each Metinvest employee has medical insurance to receive timely and quality medical care in state and private clinics. Vouchers to recreation centres at privileged prices are also made available for employees and their family members.

Programs for children and veterans
Metinvest is a family. This is the reason we support the veterans who worked at our enterprises in the past. We also do a lot of work with the children of our employees by organizing various events and giving New Year and My First Day At School presents. We help them with vocational orientation, tell them about the work their parents do and what that means to the whole country.