Liga.net: Iron Defence. How Metinvest’s Mine Trawls Help to Protect Ukrainian Army Vehicle Crews
NV + The Economist
United by the Future: Metinvest Begins the Irreversible Integration of Ukraine into the EU Despite the War – NV and The Economist
Журнал «ТОП-100»
Rinat Akhmetov’s Steel Front: SCM and Metinvest Lead Among Corporate Donors to Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Спецпроєкт NV та The Economist «Світ попереду»
Metinvest CEO: Group Must Be Not Only Ukraine’s Pillar, but Also Foundation for its Future Recovery
Forbes Ukraine
Forbes Ukraine: Metinvest Introduces AI for Product Quality Control at Zaporizhstal
The Page
The Page: Green Steel and New Export Routes – How Metinvest is Transforming During the War
Forbes Ukraine
Forbes Ukraine: Metinvest Invests Nearly UAH570 Million in Education Development in Ukraine
Weak Demand and High Risk: Why Investors Are Not Ready to Invest in Ukraine and What Awaits Europe’s Steel Industry — Metinvest CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov Speaks to Bloomberg TV
The Guardian
“Ukraine Needs Security Guarantees for Post-War Economic Recovery” — Metinvest CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov for The Guardian
Liga.net: Metinvest’s Underground Fortresses. Steel “Hideouts”, Hospitals and Command Posts Saving Lives on the Front Line