
April 15, 2021
Metinvest has become the first company in Ukraine to launch an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with two modules – C4C and CPQ, to help to improve the quality of customer service.

What is CRM?

CRM is a comprehensive digital solution for managing interactions with customers. Its main goal is to automate customer relationship strategies with a view to improving service, increasing sales and optimizing marketing.

The Group’s system is based on the innovative SAP Sales Cloud platform and includes two modules: customer (cloud for customer, C4C) and price quote (configure price quote, CPQ). The first is one-stop-shop for sales management through which Metinvest can interact with customers and exchange information in real time. The second contains an online product catalogue, which can be used to create customer-specific orders.

Where does the system work?

The first company in the Group to introduce full sales automation was Metinvest International, which did so at the end of 2019. It unites the Group's regional offices in the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

This year, implementation of a CRM system will be completed at Metinvest-SMC, which sells products in Ukraine and several CIS countries, and at the Group’s trading companies in Western Europe. The Group will continue to roll out the system at other assets, and there are also plans to launch a pilot online customer account by the end of 2021.

Metinvest’s network of sales offices and service centers covers almost 100 countries and serves more than 7,000 customers with high-quality products and services The Group has 45 sales offices in 22 countries.

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