Metinvest is an international, vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. The Group controls the entire production chain, from iron ore and coal mining to the production of semi-finished and finished products. Metinvest is a leader in mining and metals in Ukraine, and is prominent within the global metallurgical industry due to its resilient business model. It also benefits from the favourable geographical location of its assets and global sales network.

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Metinvest in numbers, 2019

World steel producers Top42
World iron ore producers top10

Corporate values

Life, health and environment Human life remains our top
priority as we strive to achieve
our business goals
Professionalism We show a high level
of professionalism in everything
we do
Teamwork We share common values and
act for the benefit of the Group
as a whole
Customer focus We continuously refine our
customer service approach,
and strengthen cooperation with
customers to offer goods that
meet changing needs
Leadership We demonstrate leadership
every day, regardless of our
position or occupation

Priorities for 2030

Increase production capacity by growing organically
Focus on customer
Increase efficiency
Strengthen low-cost
steel producer position
Expand product
portfolio to strengthen
position in key
strategic markets
Pursue selective acquisition opportunities

chairman's statement


In 2019, Metinvest fulfilled its business and sustainability goals while also delivering value for stakeholders and making a clear, positive impact on its communities.

We remain committed to sustainable growth and, throughout the reporting period, maintained our focus on meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We further integrated the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which cover human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, into our business strategy, corporate culture and daily operations.

OLEG POPOV Chairman of the supervisory board download pdf 167kb

ceo’s statement


Metinvest’s seventh Sustainability Report outlines our approach to sustainable development and shows the progress we have made towards achieving our sustainability goals, while also highlighting our future ambitions.

Despite the economic downturn that the steel industry faced in 2019, we continued to improve our safety performance, empower our employees, reduce our environmental impact and bring positive societal change to lives of our local communities.

YURIY RYZHENKOV chief executive officer download pdf 415kb



Through our sustainability initiatives, we strive to guarantee environmental safety, ensure our employees’ health and wellbeing and use energy more efficiently, while also fostering economic development and technological progress. These principles of sustainable development are embedded into every aspect of our business.

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Metinvest’s sustainable development priorities

Health and safety of employees
Employee wellbeing and development
Business ethics and corporate governance
Stakeholder engagement
Quality of products and services
Environmental protection and energy efficiency
Development of local communities

In 2019, Metinvest’s sustainability initiatives centred on strengthening responsible labour practices, maintaining high occupational health and safety standards, building resilient infrastructure in the communities where we are present, rethinking operational efficiency and upgrading machinery and equipment to comply with the latest environmental standards.

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Our strategic priority is to enhance sustainability, and this includes ensuring modern, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production at all our assets. To achieve this goal, we have been reducing our environmental impact and tackling climate change by introducing efficient, energy-saving technology.

The Group complies with local regulations and strives to operate in line with global environmental best practice.

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In 2019, Metinvest increased environmental spending by 46% year-on-year and completed several important long-term environmental projects.

  • At Azovstal, the Group rebuilt blast furnace no. 3, reconstructed the hot metal desulphurisation unit and performed a major overhaul of coke oven battery no. 1.
  • At Ilyich Steel, Metinvest made steady progress in the reconstruction of the sinter plant, which began in 2015 and became the largest environmental project in the history of independent Ukraine. The upgraded system for cleaning sinter gases will help to reduce dust emission by as much as 90% and sulphur oxide emissions by up to 42%.
  • At Northern GOK, we advanced the project to replace the gas cleaning facilities of the Lurgi 552-A roasting machine, with a planned completion in 2021.
  • At Central GOK, the Group conducted regular maintenance of the tailings storage facilities and carried out related work on the water supply and slurry pipelines.
  • At Avdiivka Coke and Zaporizhia Coke, we performed extensive maintenance at the oven chambers to decrease air emissions.

The ecological modernisation projects of Ilyich Steel, Azovstal and the Zaporizhstal JV were recognised among the top 20 environmental programmes in Ukraine according to Vlast Deneg (the Power of Money), a reputable Ukrainian business journal providing expert analytics.

Additionally, during the first RE:THINK international investment forum, Metinvest signed a six-year Memorandum of Cooperation with Mariupol, Zaporizhia and Kryvyi Rih to invest in environmental projects in these cities. The total investment in environmental modernisation is expected to exceed US$400 million and focus on two areas: improving production processes and reducing the environmental impact.


To reduce air emissions while increasing overall production efficiency, Metinvest implemented several key projects in 2019.

  • After overhauling blast furnace no. 3, Azovstal decreased the dust emissions of its blast furnace unit and provided the furnace with new environmental protection equipment.
  • Within the sinter plant reconstruction project, Ilyich Steel has already commissioned new bag filters for the six sintering machines in its sintering and cooling zones, as well as for another six machines in its sintering zones where the cooling zones were previously equipped with high-efficiency electrostatic filters.
  • Mariupol Machining and Repair Plant reduced dust emissions by 30% after modernising its gas treatment plant and shot-blasting chamber.
  • Zaporizhia Coke overhauled three coke batteries, which lowered its emissions by 45%.

We have chosen a risk-based approach to integrate climate risks into our business plans and processes, allowing us to minimise our carbon emissions in the future.

Determining our current level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as formulating goals and approaches to reduce our impact on the climate, is very important for Metinvest and makes up just one part of our general approach to environmental protection.

This approach meant that in 2019 we reduced our direct GHG emissions by 10% year-on-year to 8.8 million metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Reduction of direct GHG emmisions in 2019 10 %

Water is an integral part of Metinvest’s production processes, so we strive to uphold high national standards for water usage and discharge.

During our production processes, we do not withdraw water from areas undergoing water stress (i.e. where water availability is limited). Additionally, our assets regularly conduct instrumental and laboratory studies of surface and wastewater to track their impact and control their compliance with environmental standards.

To ensure that we use water as responsibly as possible, we are launching new projects to modernise wastewater treatment equipment, recycle the water used in technological processes and reuse mining and wastewater. At our mining assets, water circulates in a closed cycle between tailings storage facilities and plants.

In 2019, Metinvest decreased its overall water withdrawal by 9% and water discharge by 10%. We accomplished this by implementing projects to modernise wastewater treatment equipment, recycling water used in technological processes and reusing mining and wastewater.

80 % (+2PP)
9 %
10 %

We make every effort to reduce the waste we create. As part of our approach to managing waste generation, we also seek to reuse and recycle waste in production processes as much as possible.

In 2019, Metinvest generated 234 million tonnes of waste, 94% of which was non-hazardous waste from mining assets in the form of overburden and tailings. During the reporting period, 28% of all waste by volume was recycled. The total weight of recycled waste increased by 9% year-on-year in 2019, which is testimony to the positive effects of the Group’s multi-pronged effort to improve operations and cut down on waste disposal.

We minimise waste storage spaces by depositing our industrial waste in specially designated areas, such as mining allotments and slag and sludge ponds. We have also enacted practices to ensure that mining allotments are used rationally. For example, overburden rocks are used at our mining assets for crushed stone production, as well as for the construction and repair of automobile and railway links at mines.

Metinvest does not operate in any protected natural areas, and its activities do not impact the habitats of species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List or national conservation list. However, we still have a number of initiatives in place to preserve biodiversity and engage in land restoration in our areas of activity. These include:

  • The biological restoration of old overburden dumps (from 2014 to 2019, Ingulets GOK’s efforts to restore disturbed lands encompassed a total area of 26.38 hectares).
  • Protecting natural landscapes (Ingulets GOK undertakes voluntary commitments to support the Vizirka wildlife sanctuary).
  • Reducing overburden storage spaces (Central GOK is working to re-cultivate quarry no. 2; in 2019, it deposited 11 million tonnes of waste rock into the quarry).
  • Restoring the Dnipro River (the Zaporizhstal JV actively participates in projects to restore and protect the river).

Metinvest continues to reduce the energy consumption of its production assets and cut its consumption of natural resources.

Since 2013, we have been implementing an energy management system that conforms to the ISO 50001:2011 international standard and eight of the Group’s assets have certified their energy management systems as compliant with its requirements . In 2019, Ingulets GOK was certified in accordance with ISO 50001:2018, the newest energy management system standard.

We successfully identified opportunities to recover and utilise energy sources, which allowed us to increase the total amount of energy saved in 2019 by 22% year-on-year. We completed various energy-saving programmes at our production assets, which led to an economic effect of US$38.2 million.

We also continued to implement joint energy efficiency projects with YASNO, a provider of energy efficiency solutions in Ukraine, under energy service contracts. In 2019, our collaboration with YASNO resulted in the implementation of 12 projects focused on improving the efficiency of secondary fuel use, modernising fuel-consuming units, increasing the efficiency of equipment, modernising slurry pumps and devising hydraulic schemes. The annual economic effect of these projects totals US$5.6 million, with an estimated energy saving of 87 million kWh/year.




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Metinvest provides almost 67,000 jobs worldwide and remains one of Ukraine’s largest employers.

We believe that ensuring fair working conditions, continuous professional growth and the wellbeing of our employees is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of our business.

These are the key focuses of our five-year human capital management strategy, which aims to enhance Metinvest’s attractiveness as an employer, provide the Group with skilled employees, improve staff efficiency and upgrade the quality of services for employees.

Our human capital management initiatives include:

  • Developing the regional network of Metinvest Career Centres in the cities where the Group operates
  • Revising remuneration packages according to market benchmarks
  • Improving social benefits and health insurance programmes
  • Protecting labour and human rights, as well as providing equal opportunities

  • Automating our HR processes

  • Enhancing training and development opportunities for employees

In 2019, the Group invested US$5.8 million in human potential through its expanded training programmes to ensure that employee knowledge and skills correspond to today’s changing job requirements. Metinvest also offers a variety of mandatory and voluntary learning opportunities tailored for specific functions and grade levels, with a focus on developing both hard and soft skills.


37 %


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We apply a proactive approach to ensure every individual who enters the Group’s facilities is engaged in health and safety and is committed to our safety culture.

To live up to our zero injuries commitment, we focus on cultivating positive behavioural changes, which includes encouraging every employee and contractor to take personal responsibility for their health and safety and improve their individual safety performance. Metinvest also works to systematically improve employees’ knowledge and skills in the area of occupational health and safety by conducting training sessions for managers, specialists and workers.

Metinvest’s Policy and Principles in the Field of Health, Safety and the Environment defines our long-term priorities for continuous improvement in this area. The Group has 15 corporate health and safety standards based on international best practices that lay out our comprehensive approach to this key area.

In 2019, we developed a new five-year roadmap for further improving our occupational health and safety management system and reducing the risk of work-related incidents. The roadmap aims to enhance staff motivation and competencies by using modern training methods, revise the Group’s qualification standards and improve our ability to monitor and track safety performance.

Metinvest continues to invest in safe working conditions to ensure the wellbeing of its employees. In the reporting period, spending on health and safety amounted to US$102 million, up 7% year-on-year from US$95 million in 2018.

In 2019, the Group also improved the health and safety performance at nearly all production assets, achieving the lowest lost-time injury frequency rate in its history.



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Metinvest underscores the importance of making strategic long-term investments in the sustainable development of the cities and towns where it operates, engaging with communities to contribute to social infrastructure development, education, healthcare, sport, culture and environmental stewardship.

With these initiatives, we seek to improve the overall quality of life for local residents, which also helps us to retain the talented local professionals who work at Metinvest’s main mining and steelmaking assets in Mariupol, Zaporizhia, Kryvyi Rih and Avdiivka. By rolling out development projects in these regions, the Group confirms its role as a key economic contributor, which positively impacts its communities.

When carrying out complex social projects, Metinvest works closely with city development funds, which have become the primary channel for the Group’s engagement with local governments, civic groups and international development agencies for improving community liveability. By partnering with the Mariupol Development Fund, the Kryvyi Rih Foundation of the Future and the Zaporizhia Joint Action Platform, Metinvest develops the best initiatives possible while ensuring the projects being funded meet the needs of communities and align with regional agendas.

More than 2 million people in Ukraine, 300,000 people in the UK, 250,000 people in Italy, 200,000 people in Bulgaria and 65,000 people in the US benefit from Metinvest’s social partnership programmes.

Total community investments in 2019 US$11 M